
The actual rock wall formation

The actual rock wall formation

Welcome to Rockwall County!

Rockwall County is located just east of Dallas. Named for the phenomenon of the “rock wall”, the county provides unique quality of life experiences for its residents. The Extension Program, as directed by the Rockwall County Leadership Advisory Board, strives to serve a diverse population from farmers/producers to suburban/urban dwellers. The west side of the county is made up of a portion of Lake Ray Hubbard.

Rockwall County is very unique in that it is the smallest county in the state geographically. However, it is the fastest growing county in the state demographically and ranked 3rd in the nation. The picture above is part of the actual rock wall formation for which the city and county were named. Areas of this formation are located throughout the county.

Mission: To provide quality, relevant outreach and continuing education programs and services to the people of Rockwall County.

Extension brings the resources of the Texas A&M University System to Rockwall County. Through field-based faculty, Extension provides unbiased, research-based information, educational programs, and technical assistance in core service areas